2 Steps to a Proper Lunge

If they are done correctly, lunges are a great way to get nice, shapely legs and buttocks in no time at all. With no equipment required, they can also be done Anytime.Anywhere. However, to get the best results out of your lunges, and to prevent any damage to your joints, it’s important that you are doing them correctly.

Here are our two essential steps to the proper lunge:

  1. Make sure that you keep your upper body firm and upright, with your shoulders relaxed and pushed back, and your chin up. In this way, you’ll be engaging your core.
  2. Now, take a step forward with one leg while lowering your hips until both knees are bent at approximately 90 degrees. Your forward knee should be directly over your ankle. Don’t push it out too far. Keep your back knee off the floor. All the weight should be in your heels as you push yourself back up to the starting position.

2 Steps to a Proper Lunge

Step it Up

Once you’ve mastered the basics and feel comfortable doing your lunges, you can step it up in various ways to challenge yourself or just to work different muscles.

Below you find some nice variations.

Reverse Lunges: Simply follow the same routine but with backward steps instead of forward steps. They will help develop your balance and athleticism.

Lunge with Bicep Curl with Dumbbells: Add a bicep curl with a dumbbell to your regular lunge to work your upper body while you strengthen your legs.

Walking Forward Lunges: Challenge your balance further by only doing the forward part of the lunge and repeating on alternate legs.

Side Lunges: Lunge to the side to work your lower body muscles in a different way.

Next: Be safe

Step it Up
Be safe