If you suffer from
asthma, you probably think that you can't exercise properly or safely. Contrary
to what many think of this subject, there are ways that you can get in shape
and exercise, even if you suffer from asthma.
Asthma is a chronic lung disease that is marked by characteristics such as coughing, wheezing, shortness of breath, and chest tightness. Asthma tends to occur with people who are genetically or environmentally predisposed to the condition.
Some of the triggers that may start or make an attack worse include exposure to allergens, viral respiratory infections, airway irritants, exercise, and exposure to things such as dust mites or cockroaches.
Now that you knowwhat you know about asthma, you may be wondering where exercise fits in. Asmost doctors will tell you, you shouldn't give up on sports or exercise at all.You just have to be smart about how you play and take special pre cautions toavoid attacks.
Almost all doctorsagree that the best way to prevent attacks during exercise is to keep your inhalerand medication close by. You should never use the inhaler more than 3 timesduring a game or exercise session. If you are up the previous night withcoughing and wheezing, it's always best to go light with your exercise the nextday.
For something knownas EIA (Exercise Induced Asthma), the symptoms are somewhat different, in thefact that they appear after 6 - 10 minutes of exercise and will often be worsein cold or dry air.
If you have EIA,there are several activities that you can enjoy such as swimming, walking,biking, downhill skiing, and team based sports. There are many activities foryou to choose from, to ensure you get the exercise you need as well.
Keep in mind that thecondition of asthma isn't "all in your head”, it is a real physiologicalmedical treatment that will require treatment to prevent and treat. Even though your doctor will be your bestfriend in treating asthma, you are the one who can prevent your symptoms.
Always be smart, take your medication and be proactive.Don't let it put you in a life of misery , as you can enjoy exercise just likeeveryone else.