Unconditional Love - 14 May: Mother's Day!

''Sometimes the strength of motherhood is greater than natural laws.'' I felt something changed, something changed inside of me, a deep emotion was born, a feeling that I never felt before, an unconditional love, a connection and desire to do good... No, I am not pregnant. I am born, and with me, all these feelings most likely inherited from my mom. Perhaps in the moment, she took me on her lap for the first time or before that, when she discovered I was there, inside of her, growing and taking form... She passed me far more than just genetics but all of her feelings. You might not be a mom yet or carry a baby inside of you yet but you've been there, we all have been there, we have been in our mother's womb for quite some time.

We sons and daughters are the reason why women today are called mothers. So what to say on this day?

Unconditional Love - 14 May: Mother's Day!

Mother's Day is..

The Mother's day is a day where we celebrate the care, patience, love and dedication of each mom in teaching and guiding their children. You mom carry within you months and months of memories during gestation. Whether bad or good you generated life. You generated hope to the world, when you looked to you son and daughter and saw a glimpse of the future, you felt hope! Mom, you continue to generate feelings during your life, it's from your mouth we sons and daugthters expect words of love... if you knew how much we need them even when we don't deserve it (especially when we don't deserve it). You mom deserve to be remembered not only on this day but on every single day in the year of how important you are to us, without you, we would not exist. You deserve care, attention and understanding.

In this special day, braZia.TV wishes you, mom, a happy Mother's day, a day of unconditional love and hope. Never forget how important you are for your sons and daughters and for the world. And you son and daughter, take care of your mom!